5th September 2018

Helping two financial services giants integrate to create the UK’s largest banking group.

Coplexia founder Amir Khodaparast controlled the complexities of collaboration between rivaling suppliers working together to deliver the UK’s largest bank group.

During highly uncertain times and in a politically charged environment, Amir was able to guide rivaling suppliers Wipro, Tata and IBM to put aside competitive differences to deliver a collaborative approach for the hugely complex Data Migration and Business Readiness workstreams.

This resulted in attractive supply contracts being awarded and successfully delivered by the suppliers in alignment with the client’s vision and strategy set with the help of Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

LBG remains one of the few UK success stories following the global banking crisis, and the merger is generally regarded as one the most successful in recent times.

Want to know how?

Join us in one of our case-based colloquiums to hear about how we controlled the complexities of collaboration to deliver the promise of prosperity through partnership.

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