Coplexia is proud to announce that we are now a licensed body authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) to own and manage law firms in England and Wales.
Following some early pre-application discussions to learn about the procedure and outline the short, mid and long-term ambitions of the LSC programme, we submitted our formal application to become an ABS on 31st July 2017 and the SRA license was granted on 28th September 2017, effective 1st October 2017.
We’re very grateful to the SRA for the time and care with which they considered our application. Their questions and comments in what was a thoroughly stringent application review proved to be of great help in the refinement of the LSC Programme Partner Agreement which, amongst other things, sets out the evolutionary rules, governance and contractual obligations on programme participants who work together as #VirtuallyOne collaborative towards their respective and collective interests.
We’d like to thank the SRA and look forward to discussing our future operating model with them to reflect the changing market dynamics of the legal profession and emergent regulatory reforms.